September 2018 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
6:10 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Lee Guthrie. Called meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. Recording started at 6:15.
1. Public Hearing: Lot split, 10504 N. 265 S., John Holmberg
Lot split was tabled from August until tonight’s meeting to present full information,
including the proposed water line, and the easement adjusted to within the 100 ft. rule. All requirements met for lot split. Holmberg had the survey adjusted so that each lot has access from Hwy 265. Water lines indicated.
2. Public meeting: Lot Split 16040 SE Campbell Road WC63, Garland and Glenda Henson All requirements met for lot split.
No public comments on either lot split application.
Public hearing adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
3. Lot split, 10504 N. 265 S., John Holmberg
Motion by Commissioner Guthrie, 2nd by Schoonover, to approve lot split application. Pass 5-0.
4. Lot Split 10640 SE Campbell Road WC63, Garland and Glenda Henson
Motion by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Yoes, to approve lot split application. Pass 5-0.
5. Large Scale Development Code discussion
Discussion of LSC Ordinance presented by City Engineer. Commission recommends passage as it reads. Comment: there was no application presented in the package.
Motion made to read the minutes by Commissioner Schoonover, 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 5-0.
Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Commissioner Yoes. Pass 5-0.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Schoonover; 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 5-0
Adjourn: 6:58 p.m.