August 2018 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, August 6, 2018
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Recording started at 6:15.
1. Public meeting for Cell Tower consideration postponed until September meeting
Public hearing postponed last month, is also postponed this month till September.
2. Public Hearing: Lot split, 10504 N. 265 S., John Holmberg
Wants to know if commission is going to pass the rule that can split into four lots. The city engineer and attorney making final revisions. Once all of that figured out, then we will look at revising and updating at that point. Now lot can only divide into two and a five year waiting period to split again.
Going to withdraw his request. Understands that in a tandem lot survey, the easement access to 2nd lot is longer than 100 feet.
No public comment. Public hearing adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
3. Lot split, 10504 N. 265 S., John Holmberg
Lot split is tabled until September meeting and presenting full information, including the proposed water line, and the easement adjusted to within the 100 ft. rule.
Motion to table the hearing till September meeting, Commissioner Yoes, Commissioner Carnes 2 nd , pass 4-0
4. Discuss Lot split application form
Time and again, applicants come before the planning commission with inadequate
information. Without the information, the commission cannot make an informed decision. Many months ago we approved a draft of the application that would supply the information necessary to make good decisions.
And, with that application, an applicant knows exactly what they need to bring before the commission. There must be a unified system in order for the governing body of Greenland to make informed decisions that serve the applicant and the city as a whole.
Recommendation: The Planning Commission will be using these Application Packets and they can be revised as necessary during the review process by Council, and/or engineer and city attorney.
Commissioner Carnes made a motion we use the Lot Split, Conditional Use and Variance Application now. Commissioner Yoes 2 nd . Pass 4-0.
Motion made to read the minutes by Commissioner Carnes, 2 nd by Commissioner Guthrie. Pass 4-0.
Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Yoes, 2 nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 4-0.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Guthrie; 2 nd by Commissioner Carnes . Pass 4-0
Adjourn: 7:10 p.m.