July 2018 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, July 2, 2018
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie, Paula Schoonover. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting was not recorded as the machine is broken.
1. Public Hearing: Lot Split 888 N. Cato Springs Road
Casey & James Neill, presented for a lot split of 888. Property in Hill family for over 80 years. Want to renovate one home and build another. Original property 2.3 acres, split into 1.31 acre and track 2 is 1.01 acre.
Since no plats from surveyor, and no water or sewer lines to verify, approval is
dependent upon submission of plats with this information provided. Chair will stamp
once they provide the plats.
From now on, notice given all original plats from surveyor need to be submitted at
No public comment. Public hearing closed: 6:30 p.m.
2. Lot Split 888 N. Cato Springs Road
Based on input from the public hearing, we need surveyor to reflect water and sewer
access to the proposed tract two and plats provided.
Motion by Commissioner Guthrie to approve 888 Cato Springs Road, conditioned on
presentation of plats from surveyor indicating water and sewer lines. Second by
Commissioner Schoonover. Pass 5-0.
3. Cell Phone Tower presentation
Tom Holliman: Represent BRT LLC Tower Company; T-Mobile is the client and will have at least four carriers to share the tower. Goal was to serve the interstate and Greenland.
Bill Lazenby manages the 53 acres, up against Washington County Line, for the 195-foot monopole. This is an area that is already of interest to City as an Industrial Zone. BRT LLC Tower Company would lease a 80’x80’ square, with a non-excusive easement with the owners. Dilemma: owns 54 acres, and if it is rezoned all in the beginning then taxes might go up, so owner is concerned about increase of taxes. Typical in a tower agreement, that when the tower goes in that they will pay for any increase in taxes going Industrial. They will research with tax assessor to determine if tax increase for entire acreage would happen with just this tower development.
Motion made to read the minutes by Commissioner Schoonover, 2 nd by Commissioner Yoes. Pass 5-0.
Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Schoonover, 2 nd by Commissioner Yoes. Pass 5-0.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Schoonover; 2 nd by Commissioner Yoes. Pass 5-0 Adjourn: 7:26 p.m.