April 2021 Council Minutes
April 12, 2021 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm.
Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Jim Renfrow, Chalon Ragsdale, Justin Reed, Rebecca Lawson, Attorney David Hogue and various guests.
Diane Reed- present on Zoom, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes-absent
Justin Reed motioned to approve March’s meeting minutes, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion Passed 6-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve March’s treasurer’s report, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion Passed 6-0
Court & Police report- Chief Ricker gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave Planning report. Rebecca Lawson motion to waive Mr. Bradshaw’s Business License for 2022, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 6-0
Committee Report- none
Sewer update- Carole Jones gave Sewer update.
Speeding on Scott Avenue- Diane Reed mentioned there is still a speeding issue on Scott Avenue regardless of the speeding sign listed. Mayor Groom said the best option would be to make a petition for Diane Reed to reach out to her neighbors for speed bumps.
Sales Tax update- Mayor Groom is waiting for the Arkansas Municipal League to get back to us about the Sales Tax issue due to the Legislative session going on. Mayor Groom plans to call the Post Master General about the sales tax bleed over. Jim Renfrow spoke with Bob Ballinger about the Sales tax bled over and he would be willing to look into this issue.
Code change discussion-Justin Reed would like to change Code on chapter 5. Carole Jones said David Hogue and her would need to get together and look at the changes in the Code. Add Chapter 5 to code
Council Chair- Rebecca Lawson make motion to change signatory on bank account to department head, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 5-0 Diane Reed abstained
Jim Renfrow motioned to dissolve the council chair position, Chal Ragsdale 2nd the motion. Passed 5-0 Diane Reed abstained.
Court Clerk-Mayor Groom stated that our Court Clerk has put in her resignation. Mary Norman is going to be our new Court Clerk and we will need to hire a new up front person to handle City business. Table part time employee salary to be added back into the budget.
Reynolds Rezoning Request Ordinance 351- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to place Ordinance 351 on 1st reading, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 5 for-1 against
Rebecca Lawson motioned to accept the 1St reading of Ordinance 351, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 5 for-1 against
Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 351 on 2nd reading, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion (roll call vote)
Rebecca Lawson- yes
Jim Renfrow- yes
Larry Forrester-yes
Diane Reed- yes
Chal Ragsdale-yes
Justin Reed- no
Cate Rezoning Request Ordinance 352- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to place Ordinance 352 on the 1st reading, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 6-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to accept the 1St reading of Ordinance 352, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion.
Passes 6-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 352 on 2nd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 6-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to accept 2nd reading of Ordinance 352 by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 6-0
Rebecca Lawson- yes
Jim Renfrow- yes
Larry Forrester-yes
Diane Reed- yes
Chal Ragsdale-yes
Justin Reed- yes
Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 352 on 3rd reading by title only.
Rebecca Lawson- yes
Jim Renfrow- yes
Larry Forrester-yes
Diane Reed- yes
Chal Ragsdale-yes
Justin Reed- yes
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve 3rd reading of Ordinance by title only on Ordinance 352, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 6-0
Announcements- Spring Clean up
Citizen’s Comments-Charlotte Carnes mentioned Powerline bridge needs fixed.
Adjourn- Rebecca Lawson motioned to adjourn, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion.