March 2021 Council Minutes
March 8, 2021 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm.
Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lisa Thornton, Jim Renfrow, Chalon Ragdale, Bill Yoes, Justin Reed, Diane Reed, Attorney David Hogue and various guests.
Rebecca Lawson absent.
Comments- LKQ rezoning Ordinance.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve February’s minutes, Diane Reed 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve February’s treasurer’s report, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Court & Police- Chief gave report.
Building Inspector report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report.
Committee Reports- none
Sewer update- Carole Jones and Nick from McClelland. Nick spoke about the principal forgiveness is spent right away and then go into the loan. The loan won’t go into effect until a year after the project is completed. Carole and Nick are working on City of Fayetteville to do cost sharing. Resolution is to allow us to have a written response accepting the funding and its terms.
ANRC- Resolution-03-08-2021A
Lisa Thornton motioned to read Resolution 03-08-2021B by title only, Justin 2nd motion.
Lisa Thornton to approve Resolution 03-08-2021, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Conservation Easement- Resolution-03-08-2021B
Lisa Thornton motioned to read Resolution-03-08-2021B by title only, Justin Reed 2nd motion
Lisa Thornton to approve Resolution-03-08-2021B, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Sidewalks follow up-will follow up on the concrete sidewalks on Foothills.
Mayor there was an item not on the agenda and it was that he is going to put a time clock at City Hall.
Code changes discussion- Council members will look at it and discuss it yesterday.
Sales Tax-Mayor called DF&A but didn’t get much information. Mayor will work on this and we will keep on agenda to work on. Contact DF&A and USPS and any senators.
Property Disposal-Resolution-Lisa Thornton motioned to approve the disposal police car, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Amended Budget-Resolution-Lisa Thornton motioned to read Resolution 03-08-2021C by title only, Justin Reed 2nd motion.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve Resolution 03-08-2021C, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Look over Receptionist/Secretary job description for next month. Mayor mentioned the great job Robert and Brad for the snow removal.
Announcements-need code book for Troy and Ben Maddox
Citizen’s Comments- none
Lisa Thornton motioned to adjourn meeting, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Adjourn at 7:51pm