February 2021 Council Minutes
February 8, 2021 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm.
Those in attendance were Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lisa Thornton, Jim Renfrow, Chalon Ragdale, Bill Yoes, Justin Reed, Rebecca Lawson, Diane Reed, Attorney David Hogue and various guests.
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve January’s minutes, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve January’s Treasurer’s report, Bill Yoes 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Court & Police Report- Chief gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report. Diane Reed asked Troy if he received his code book and discussion job roles with the Mayor and he said yes.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report.
Committee Reports-none
Sidewalks follow up-discussion and follow up for sidewalks for March meeting.
Mayor’s list- Mayor Groom will have the job description for the Receptionist/Secretary at the March meeting.
Time Clock-Mayor refuses to use time clock for three employees. Attorney Hogue is going to research to see if the Time Clock ordinance is binding for the Mayor to implement.
Building Inspector/Building code is fine with the way things are going.
Employee evaluations did not include Lisa Thornton on the Personnel committee.
Resolution 2-08-2021A-Allocate funds for Sewer-Rebecca makes a motion to read Resolution 2-08-2021A by title only, Justin Reed 2nd Passes 8-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve reading for Resolution 2-08-2021A, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion.
Passes 8-0
Planning Commissioner appointment-Diane Reed motioned to appoint Charles Maddox as Planning Commissioner, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 7-0 Lisa Thornton abstained.
Announcements- City Code Handout from Justin Reed which will be discussed at March meeting. Recorder/Treasurer announced that Jim Renfrow has been promoted to Lieutenant at West Fork Fire Department.
Citizen’s comments-Paula Schoonover mentioned that she’s concerned about people running the red traffic light by the school lately. Paula Schoonover talked about the issue of Greenland sales tax going to Fayetteville instead of Greenland. Mayor Groom will call the ARML for an update a the next meeting regarding sales tax.
Rebecca Lawson made a motion to adjourn, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Adjourn at 7:45pm.