April 2021 Special Council Minutes
April 16, 2021 Greenland City Council Special Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm
Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Jim Renfrow, Chalon Ragdale, Rebecca Lawson, Diane Reed, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Attorney David Hogue and various guests.
Justin Reed-absent
Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 351- Reynold’s rezoning on the 3rd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion.
Rebecca Lawson- yes
Jim Renfrow- yes
Larry Forrester-yes
Diane Reed- yes
Chal Ragsdale-yes
Bill Yoes-yes
Lisa Thornton-yes
Lisa Thornton motioned to accept the 3rd reading of Ordinance 351-Reynold’s rezoning, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to adjourn, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion.
Adjourn at 6:10pm