April 2024 Council Minutes
April 8, 2024, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance Mayor Jim Renfrow, Misty McCard, Rebecca Lawson, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Travis Whisenhunt, Mark Herrmann Chal Ragsdale and Jermaine Petty- Absent
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve March 2024 minutes, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 6-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve March 2024 treasurer’s report Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion. Passed 5-1
Diane Reed mentioned wanting to see receipts for purchases and the Recorder Treasurer let her know that any council member is welcome to view any receipts at city hall.
Court & Police Report-Chief Stout gave report.
Code Enforcement Report- Larry Norman gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report.
Committee Report-N/A
Unfinished Business:
Update on Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project– Trent Williams with McClelland Engineers gave update.
Trent Williams stated that the city would have to have another bid if we do not have the bond passed tonight to have our sewer upgraded.
The sewer upgrade includes the lift stations and the sewer lines being upgraded to Fayetteville.
Public Hearing-Public Hearing regarding the sewer rate increase. Public Hearing is open to any public with questions or concerns.
Ordinance 383- Sewer Surcharge Rate– Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 383 on the 2nd reading by title only, Diane Reed 2nd motion.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve of the 2nd reading of Ordinance 383 by title only, Mark Hermann 2nd motion. Passed 5-1
Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 383 on the 3rd reading and suspend the rules, Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion.
Mark Herrmann-yes, Travis Whisenhunt-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Lisa Thornton-yes, Rebecca Lawson-yes
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve the 3rd reading and final reading of Ordinance 383, Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion. Passed 5-1
Lisa Thornton motioned to place an emergency clause on Ordinance 383, Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion Passed 6-0
New Business:
Ordinance 384- Bond Ordinance-
Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 384 on the 1st reading by title only, Mark Herrmann 2nd motion.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance 384 by title only, Mark Herrmann 2nd motion. 6-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 384 on the 2nd reading and 3rd reading and to suspend the rules by title only, Mark Herman 2nd motion.
Mark Herrmann-yes, Travis Whisenhunt-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Lisa Thornton-yes, Rebecca Lawson-yes
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve the 3rd and final reading, Mark Herrmann 2nd motion.
Lisa motioned to suspend the rules and enact the emergency clause, Mark Herrmann 2nd motion. Passed 6-0
Walnut Springs Planning Zoning District– Diane Reed motioned to rezone to a Planning Zoning District, Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion. Passed 6-0
Parks Committee– Mayor Renfrow appointed Mark Herrmann, Gary Ricker, and George Boykin to the Parks Committee.
Policy Committee– Mayor Renfrow appointed Chalon Ragsdale to the Policy Committee.
Appoint new Planning members– Dan Cypert -Chief Deputy assessor replacing Ben Maddox is being appointed to the Planning Commission.
Court Clerk/Admin Assistant Job Description– Lisa Thornton motioned to go into executive session to discuss employee performance, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion.
City Email use by employees and city representatives– FOIA request concerns for planning city email to be used. Attorney David Hogue advises city representatives to use a city email address.
Executive Session– discussion of job performance and no action taken.
Announcements- N/A
Citizen comments- N/A
made a motion to adjourn, 2nd motion. Passed 6-0
Adjourn at 8:57pm