August 2018 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council August 13, 2018
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Larry Forrester, Beckey Center, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Pat Lindabury, Justin Reed, Chief Ricker, Danny Wright and various guests.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the July’s council minutes. Motion passes 7-0.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the July’s treasurer's report. Motion passes 7-0.
Brenda Reynolds presented the planning commission report.
No building inspector activity.
Chief Ricker presented the court and police report.
Ordinance #329 Alcohol Sales: Third reading: Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to place ordinance #329 on third reading by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Wright read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the third and final reading of ordinance #329. Motion passes 7-0.
Planning Packet: Carole Jones updated the council on various applications that appear before the planning commission. Mr. Wright updated the council on his part of the process. Planning asked that Tammy make sure there are no blanks on any applications that are turned into city hall and that she scan them to Lee for review.
Resolution 08-13-2018A Motion by Thornton 2 nd by Reed to read resolution 08-13-2018A by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2 nd by Yoes to approve 08-13-2018A. Motion passes 7-0.
Resolution 08-13-2018B Motion by Thornton 2nd by Bryant to read resolution 08-13-2018B by title only.
Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Forrester to approve 08-13-2018B. Motion passes 7-0.
Resolution 08-13-2018C Motion by Thornton 2nd by Reed to read resolution 08-13-2018C. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Yoes to approve 08-13-2018C. Motion passes 7-0.
Chief Ricker presented information to council about destruction of records prior to 2013. Lisa made a motion to approve the destruction of records, 2 nd by Forrester. Motion passes 7-0.
Personnel: Discussion of Laura Burns hours. Motion by Thornton, 2 nd by Bryant to go into executive session a 6:57 pm. Motion passes 7-0. Executive session ended at 7:32. Situation with Tammy and Laura was discussed. No action taken. Bill will ask employees to turn in weekly timesheets.
Announcements: Council members who want to run in the general election in the fall can turn their packets in to Stephanie by 10 am Wednesday and she will take them to the court house. Otherwise everyone has until noon on Aug 17 th to get them into the court house.
Citizens comments: Lisa Thornton asked if the mayor had gotten any more information on the bridge on Letitia St. The mayor said the estimate to fix it was minimum $200,000.
Motion Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to adjourn at 7:41. Motion passes 7-0.