August 2019 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council August 12, 2019
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Diane Reed, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Bill Yoes, Lisa Thornton, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests.
Motion by Center, 2nd by Reed to approve the July’s council minutes. Motion passes 6-0.
Motion by Center, 2nd by Forrester to approve the July’s treasurer’s report. Motion passes 7-0.
Brenda Reynolds presented the planning commission report. She addressed a problem with the city staff not giving citizens the information they need.
Mrs. Thornton requested to go into executive session. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Guthrie to go into executive session to deal with a personnel discipline issue. Motion passes 6-1 with D Reed opposing. Executive session started at 6:46. Executive session ended at 7:02. Mr. Yoes explained that they discussed problems with the front office city staff and planning. Mayor has agreed to look into it for long term and short term.
Building Inspector Report: Mayor presented: 3 inspections done.
Chief presented the court and police report.
Debris Removal: Mayor checked into what other cities do. Prairie Grove gives their citizens 2 days a year to call into the city to come have debris from trees removed.
Update on Park: Tabled
Resolution 08-12-2019A Park & Tourism Grant: Chief Ricker explained. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to read resolution 08-12-2019A by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Bailey read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Yoes to approve 08-12-2019A. Motion passes 7-0.
Resolution 08-12-2019B Rural Community Park Grant: Chief Ricker explained. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Center to read resolution 08-12-2019B by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Bailey read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Center to approve 08-12-2019B. Motion passes 7-0.
Manufactured Home Discussion: Ms. Guthrie brought in some information regarding the difference in trailers, mobile homes and manufactured homes. Mr. Bailey will do some research and have some to present to council next month.
Impact fee moratorium set to expire. Mr. Bailey will work on the continuance for next month.
Citizens comments
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Center to adjourn at 7:40. Motion passes7-0.