September 2019 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council September 09, 2019
Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm.
Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Lisa Thornton, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests.
Motion by Guthrie, 2nd by Thornton to approve the August’s council minutes. Motion passes 7-0.
Treasurer let the council know that the 2018 was complete and we had no major findings. The fraudulent check was in the report for legal reasons. Council will receive an official copy of the audit by mail in a few months.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Lawson to approve the August’s treasurer’s report. Motion passes 7-0.
Building Inspector Report: Mayor presented: 6 inspections done and 3 hours of reviewing plans/permits.
Chief presented the court and police report.
Brenda Reynolds presented the planning commission report. She addressed problems with permits not being properly filled out by city staff. She said this is the last time the planning agenda will be amended due to late applications and incomplete applications. She also announced that Allen Swearengin had moved out of the city and had resigned his position on planning. Mrs. Reed came in at 6:19. Mrs. Lawson asked about the incomplete section on the application and who was responsible. Mrs. Guthrie stated that city staff or whoever accepts the application.
Debris Removal: Mayor will continue to check with other cities.
Ordinance #339- Continuation of moratorium on Impact Fees: Motion by J Reed, 2nd by Guthrie to place ordinance #339 on first reading by title only. Motion passes 8-0 Mr. Bailey read it. Motion by Thornton, second by J Reed to approve the first reading of ordinance #339. Motion passes 8-0. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by J Reed to suspend the rules and place ordinance #339 on second reading by title only. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, J. REED Y, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, THORNTON Y, D REED Y, YOES Y. Motion passes 8-0. Mr. Bailey read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by J Reed to approve the second reading of ordinance #339. Motion passes 8-0. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Lawson to suspend the rules and place ordinance #339 on third reading by title only. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, REED Y, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, THORNTON Y, D REED Y, YOES Y. Motion passes 8-0. Mr. Bailey read it. Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Reed to approve the third reading of ordinance #339. Motion passes 8-0. Motion by Thornton, second by J Reed to read and adopt the emergency clause. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, REED Y, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, THORNTON Y, D REED Y, YOES Y. Motion passes 8-0.
Manufactured Home Discussion:
Park Update: Issac Ogle- Going good. Timber mulching is done. AG&F is drawing up controlled burn plan. Next phase after that is seeding.
The mayor announced a vacancy on planning. Applications will be taken to fill it.
Mr. Reed left due to illness..
Resolution 09-09-2019A Milleage 2.9%: Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to read resolution 09-09-2019A by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Bailey read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Yoes to approve 09-09-2019A. Motion passes 7-0.
Resolution 09-09-2019B Mahler Property Purchase: Motion by Thornton 2nd by Center to read resolution 09-09-2019B by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Bailey read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Center to approve 09-09-2019B. Motion passes 7-0.
Discussion of changes in commercial zone: Josh looked into it. He recommends a revision in the code. Council will think about it and discuss at next meeting.
Personnel: Mrs. Thornton asked why we cannot just keep a separate court clerk like we have in the past instead of sharing. The mayor said things have not been addressed yet but we should have some ideas this week. Mrs. Thornton had a question as to why city hall is closed so often at 3 pm and why Stephanie is not being called to fill in when city staff is out. Council agreed that months ago this was discussed and that when city staff was going to be out that Stephanie was to be called to fill in. Mayor Groom said he doesn’t have to follow council wishes except for financial decisions. Mrs. Thornton also asked if the council was in favor of changing the language in the code book of the way planning is replaced. Josh will look into it.
Announcements: West Fork city council meets tomorrow night at 6:30
Citizens comments: None
Motion by Center, 2nd by Thornton to adjourn at 7:57. Motion passes 7-0.