October 2019 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council October 14, 2019
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Lisa Thornton, Justin Reed, and various guests. City attorney was ill and not in attendance.
Bill Yoes makes a motion, Justin Reed seconded, to make next meeting on Tuesday November 12th due to Monday is Veterans’ Day. Pass 7-0.
Approval of previous month’s minutes: Motion by Lawson to approve minutes, and Center 2nd. Pass 7-0
Approval of 9/19/19 special meeting minutes: Motion by Lawson, Center 2nd to approve. Pass 7- 0 with changes listed below.
On page 2, I can tell them not to do city work corrects I can tell them not to do and work…
Last page Reed second by Guthrie to pursue the negotiations…
Treasurer’s Report
Question from Guthrie: What is the Retirement Cheevers. The city voted to give her a retirement and if she died her husband gets ó retirement until he dies or remarries.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report made by Thornton, Forrester 2nd. Pass 7-0
Chief presented the court and police report.
Building Inspector Report
Mayor gave report. Most inspections were at Hawg RV Park. A couple of houses.
Planning Commission Report
Three public hearings. All three were approved. McDonald sign permit granted. Tobo has been put on notice re: they needed to get revised sign application into City. There is a conflict in our code re: penalty. Notice has not been given so they did not have the opportunity to come before the council and we cannot penalize yet. Mayor: That sign has been put up there for more than a week, it isn’t as big as the other sign, and they wanted to put up a new sign.
Building inspector called sign installer and told them that they needed to put in an application and also to get an electrical inspection. They were put on notice to fill out the proper paperwork and come to the PC before sign was installed. They disregarded the inspector. They did not fill out the application and did not submit the paperwork and did not show up at the PC meeting.
Thornton said the notice should have been served. Mayor indicated he thought it was in the past now and we should just go forward and not pursue the fine. Mayor said he will ask designated point of contact (Design Co) to show up at the next planning meeting with their representative.
Unfinished Business
Debris Removal: Table until next meeting. Mayor has not had time to follow up on this.
Changing provisions of commercial zone: Where people who have residential houses in commercial zones that they be able to utilize their homes if they are destroyed.
Points to be changed in code: 60% destruction needs to be taken out. Being able to expand or add on to the residence needs to be added. Add a provision that notice would be given if not able to rebuild within the timeframe. And look for any contradictory language in the code.
Motion by Lawson, seconded by Reed, on the provisions for commercial zones be changed by taking out the 60% destruction, add that residence can add on to their homes as any homeowner is allowed, and add a provision that notice from owner would be given to City if unable to complete the work in the time allowed. And for the attorney to check for any contradictory language in the code. Pass 7-0
New Business
Ordinance #340 Vaping:
Motion by Thornton to read Ordinance 340 to be read by title only, Lawson 2nd. Pass 7-0
Motion by Thornton to accept first reading of ordinance 340, 2nd by Reed. Pass 7-0
Thornton made motion to suspend the rules and second by Lawson to read Ordinance 340 by title only. Roll call: Lawson yes, Reed yes, Thornton yes, Yoes yes, Guthrie yes, Center yes, Forrester yes.
Motion by Thornton to approve the second reading of ordinance 340, seconded Lawson.
Pass 7-0
Motion to suspend ruling of Ordinance 340 by title only, Lawson 2nd. Roll call: Lawson yes, Reed yes, Thornton yes, Yoes yes, Guthrie yes, Center yes, Forrester yes. Pass 7-0.
Thornton motion to accept third and final reading of ordinance, Lawson 2nd. Pass 7-0.
Thornton Motion to enact the emergency clause as written, Yoes 2nd. Roll call: Lawson yes, Reed yes, Thornton yes, Yoes yes, Guthrie no, Center yes, Forrester yes. Pass 6-1.
Chief Ricker read the ordinance by title only after each motion.
Walker Utility Easement Request
Walter wants to vacate 12’by100’ strip of the existing utility easement. Does not affect the drainage by vacating part of the easement. Got the utilities to sign off. Approved by PC.
Thornton makes a motion to allow the utility vacation, Lawson 2nd, Pass 7-0.
Appointment of recorder/treasurer
Announcement of recorder/treasurer opening: Stephanie Sharp resigned. Misty McCard has been shadowing Stephanie and is recommended by Stephanie Sharp. McCard will call on Stephanie and created a book of procedures for her successor. McCard worked from home for the last year. Associates in General and Associates in Liberal Arts & Sciences. Worked for a bank and from home for Apple and Turbo Tax. Graduated from Greenland. Lives in Greenland. Whole family lives here.
Motion by Thornton to appoint Misty McCard as Treasurer Recorder for remaining term, Center 2nd. Pass 7-0.
Resolution – 10-14-2019A removing Stephanie from bank accounts and add McCard to the bank
account. Stephanie will still be in the know.
Motion by Lawson to read Resolution 10-14-2019A by title only, with the following change in title change the district to Washington County, Guthrie 2nd, Pass 7-0.
Motion to approve Resolution 2019A by Thornton, seconded by Lawson, Pass 7-0
Resolution – 10-14-2019B Purchasing card. The city Sam’s credit card we have been using has been tied to Stephanie Sharp. Getting rid of that account. Arvest has a purchasing card designed for cities and school districts that does not have to be personally guaranteed by a person. Justin Reed requests that there be a copy of the credit card statement in with the financials.
Motion to read Resolution 10-14-2019B to read by title only by Center, seconded Thornton.
Pass 7-0.
Motion to accept Resolution 10-14-2019B by Thornton, Lawson seconded. Pass 7-0.
Motion by Reed that any city credit card statement be put in the minutes. Seconded by Thornton. Pass 7-0
Appointment of planning commissioner: Mike Rutherford came out ahead. Lives off Foothills.
Experience in construction and project planning, designing a medical laboratory in Fayetteville.
Chemist by training. Mr. Rutherford said what he sees is needed to get more commercial business for tax revenue and more youth involved in the process. He has lived in Greenland nine years. Planning chair was not made aware of any of the candidates. Thornton suggested that applicants be introduced to Planning Commission before being brought before Council for approval.
Thornton made the motion to approve as Planning Commission Mike Rutherford, Lawson 2nd,
Pass 7-0
Tiny Homes: table it
Discussion by Court Clerk/Office Administrator: Tammy spoke to the group. Page three of planning bylaws state the workflow of Planning Commission. She stated that the bylaws say the
Secretary of the PC is responsible for making sure all documents are coordinated and printed.
Chair of PC explained the city clerk is responsible for ensuring the applications are filled in before sent to the PC. Councilmember Thornton shared with the body that in April when she sat down with Tammy Caudle to go over her job description, Caudle agreed to the description.
That job description says she is to prepare all documents for planning. Chair of Planning explained that the bylaws are their operations manual and that city policy and job descriptions override bylaws.
Justin Reed requests that the personnel who work for the city do their jobs as described. Job description says that all agendas and all paperwork attached and sent to chair before the deadlines for being heard by Planning Commission. PC prepares the agenda but documents received by city hall get copied and sent to PC.
Lisa Thornton asked to go into executive session and the mayor said no and refused to go into executive session. Mayor is concerned that with all the work of the planning commission, that Tammy Caudle will be overwhelmed.
Citizen comments:
Mrs. Caudle, Tammy’s mother: She says council can’t get anything settled and doesn’t work well together.
Gordon Pike: Concerned about the development that is being talked about on Lillie Lane and
Wilson. He is concerned about Ward Sleuth and what will happen to his property. Wants to make sure p’s and q’s are taken care of. He was told by chair of planning commission that the applicants must work with the city engineer and follow all requirements.
Pat Lindabury says citizen comments at West Fork are at the first of their meetings. She suggests we allow citizens input at beginning of meeting. Council all agreed that is a good idea.
Announcements – no announcements
Motion to adjourn by Reed, Forrester seconded. Pass 7-0. Adjourn 8:28 p.m.