City Council Minutes January 2016
Minutes of the Greenland City Council January 11, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6 pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric
Bryant, Katherine Hudson, Danny Dutton, Kendra Croddy, Bill Yoes, Mark Myers, Justin Reed,
Danny Wright, Chief Ricker and various guests.
Motion by Dutton and 2nd by Reed to approve the December council minutes. Motion passes
6-0-1 with Bryant abstaining.
Motion by Dutton and 2nd by Reed to approve the December treasurer’s report. Motion passes
Planning Commission report presented by the mayor.
Building Inspector report: No permits pulled.
Court and Police report: Chief Ricker presented.
Sewer update: Mayor presented the council with different options. Asked them to keep in mind
for a decision in the future.
Park Update: Exercise equipment was delivered. Waiting on ground to dry to install.
Footbridge Update: Waiting on a survey for an easement.
Wiles Rd: $3,000 was approved to repair, only spent just under $2,000.
Shop With A Cop Update: 22 kids got to shop. We had several donations from the community
which included a $500 donation from the Greenland Booster Club and $554 from Justin Reed
who generously donated his council pay for the year.
The mayor declared an opening on the planning commission. We will take applications until January 29th. The mayor also recommended re-appointing Michael Moore until December 31st, 2019. Motion so made by Yoes, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0.
Chairman of the Council: Mayor recommended appointing Lisa Thornton to the position.
Dutton made a motion to appoint Lisa Thornton as Chairman of the Council, 2nd by Reed.
Motion passes 7-0.
Donna Mason had a presentation with a request for a fire hydrant on 265 across from Lock
Down Storage. No action taken.
Motion by Bryant, 2nd by Dutton to adjourn at 6:26 pm. Motion passes 7-0.