City Council Minutes September 2015
Minutes of the Greenland City Council Meeting September 14, 2015
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Those present: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Katherine Hudson, Danny Dutton, Kendra Croddy (arrived 6:07), Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Mark Myers, Justin Reed, Danny Wright and various guests.
Motion by Thornton to approve August minutes, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0.
Motion by Thornton to approve August treasurer’s report, 2nd by Dutton. Motion passes 7-0.
Bill Yoes presented Planning Commission report.
Mayor presented building inspector report.
Chief Ricker presented police and court report.
Discussion of purchase of snow plow and spreader. Reed made a motion to approve the $13,000 to purchase the snow plow and spreader, 2nd by Dutton. Motion passes 8-0
ORT: Jeff Hatley presented a report. Ridership up.
Resolution 09-14-2015A- Washington County Hazard Pre-Mitigation Plan. Ms. Biby spoke to it. Motion by Thornton to read by title only resolution 09-14-2015A, 2nd by Bryant. Motion passes 8-0. Mr. Wright complied. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Bryant to approve resolution 09-14-2015A. Motion passes 8-0.
Resolution 09-14-2015B- Concrete Bid. Mayor reviewed bid. Discussion over whether to require bonds. Motion by Dutton, 2nd by Thornton to read resolution 09-14-2105B by title only. Motion passes 8-0. Mr. Wright complied. Mr. Yoes questioned the drainage situation. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve resolution 09-14-2015B. Motion passes 7-1 with Yoes opposing.
Resolution 09-14-2015C Millage a 2.9%. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to read resolution 09-14-2015C by title only. Motion passes 8-0. Mr. Wright complied. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Yoes to approve resolution 09-14-2015C. Motion passes 8-0.
Wiles Road: Discussion of surfacing Wiles Road. Estimates range from $52,000-$95,000. Matt Alaniz will bring more precise information and numbers to the city. Discussion will continue at a later date.
Oct 12- Next meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 6:53 by Thornton, 2nd by Bryant. Motion passes 8-0.