January 2023 Council Minutes
January 9, 2023 Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance Mayor Jim Renfrow, Misty McCard, Rebecca Lawson, Jermaine Petty, LisaThornton, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Travis Whisenhunt, Chalon Ragsdale, and Mark Herrmann.
Comments- none
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve December 2022 minutes, Chalon Ragsdale 2nd motion. Passed 8-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve December 2022 treasurer report, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 8-0
Court & Police Report-Chief Stout gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report. Discussion about Planning Workshop.
Committee Report-none
Unfinished Business:
Update on Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project- Trent Williams gave update on sewer project.
New Business:
Fire Donation-table it
Authorization to add Mayor as a signer to the City of Greenland Bank accounts-Chalon Ragsdale motioned to add Mayor Jim Renfrow as an authorized signer to City of Greenland Bank accounts, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion. Passed 8-0
Resolution 01-09-23A-Authorizing the Mayor to Execute ANRC documents-Lisa Thornton motioned to read resolution 01-09-23A by title only, Jermaine Petty 2nd motion. Lisa Thornton motioned to approve resolution 01-09-23A, Jermaine Petty 2nd motion. Passed 8-0
Resolution 01-09-23B- Authorizing the City Attorney to seek Condemnations-Lisa Thornton motioned to read resolution 01-09-23B by title only, Bill Yoes 2nd motion. Lisa Thornton motioned to approve resolution 01-09-23B, Bill Yoes 2nd motion. Passed 8-0
Compliance Officer-Discussed compliance officer job description and wanted to table it for further discussion.
Webpage updates-Discussed easier accessibility with the website.
Citizen comments-none
Rebecca Lawson made a motion to adjourn, Jermaine Petty 2nd motion. Passed 8-0
Adjourn at 7:14pm