March 2020 Council Minutes
March 9, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm.
Those in attendance Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests. Absent- Lisa Thornton
Pledge of Allegiance
Justin Reed motioned to move the Ordinance 343 and Ordinance 344 up on the agenda, Rebecca 2nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Ordinance 343- Lot Split Adjustment Ordinance
Justin Reed motioned to suspend the rules and place on 1 st reading by title only, 2 nd by Bill Yoes.
Roll call: Justin Reed-Yes, Lee Guthrie- Yes, Beckey Center- Yes, Larry Forrester- Yes, Diane Reed-Yes Bill Yoes-Yes, Rebecca Lawson- Yes
Rebecca Lawson motioned to accept Ordinance 343, 2 nd by Justin Reed, Passes 7-0
Ordinance 344- Non-Conforming Structure Ordinance
Citizens Comments
Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules place on 1 st reading by title only, Beckey Center 2 nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Lee Guthrie motioned to accept the reading of Ordinance 344, Rebecca Lawson 2 nd motion, Passes 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and enact emergency clause, Beckey Center 2 nd .
Roll call: Justin Reed-Yes, Lee Guthrie- Yes, Beckey Center- Yes, Larry Forrester- Yes, Diane Reed-Yes
Bill Yoes-Yes, Rebecca Lawson- Yes
Comments for Citizens: Citizen speaks about the clogged ditch line that is flooded and is concerned about mosquitos.
Discussion about clogged ditch- City plans to look into who owns the property and plans to have more information for the next meeting.
Lee Guthrie wants to amend the February council minutes to state that the time clock was purchased per the Council’s request but the Mayor refuses to use the time clock for three employees. Justin Reed
motioned to approve amended minutes, Beckey Center 2 nd the motion, Passes 6-0
Diane Reed abstained.
Treasurer’s Report- Rebecca motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Diane Reed 2 nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Court & Police Report- Chief gave report.
Carnahan’s last day was 2/14/2020
Underwood’s first day was 2/10/2020
Ingalls retirement papers were turned in and his last day is approximately 5/31/2020.
Building Inspector Report is in the packet, the council says they like the reports he has done.
Planning Commission report- Brenda Reynolds gave the report.
Committee Reports- none
Ordinance 345- Marijuana Ordinance
Bill Yoes motioned to accept 1 st reading on Ordinance 345, Rebecca Lawson 2 nd the motion. Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and approve 1 and only, Justin Reed 2 nd motion.
Passes 7-0
Website- Lee Guthrie discussed how Tim Vahsholtz is doing good on updating the online applications. We discussed online payment options and will run it by the auditor to see if it is an option.
5G- Discussion
Lee Guthrie discussed the concern about how we as a City could regulate the coming 5G. Attorney Josh Bailey said we won’t be able to stop it from coming but we can try to regulate aesthetics by ordinance.
Josh Bailey will research the 5G ordinance for the City .
Announcements- Mayor announces that The Arkansas Municipal League plans to attend the next council meeting on April 13 to do a workshop.
Rebecca Lawson motioned to adjourn meeting, Beckey Center 2 nd the motion, Passes 7-0
Adjourn at 7:37pm