May 2020 Council Minutes
May 11, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm.
Those in attendance Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Lisa Thornton, Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve March minutes, Beckey 2 nd the motion, Passes 8-0.
Treasurer’s report- Lisa Thornton motioned to approve March’s treasurer report, Lee Guthrie 2 nd the motion, Passes 8-0.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve April’s treasurer report, Rebecca Lawson 2 nd the motion, Passes 8-0.
Discussion regarding payroll due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Court and Police Report- reports in the packet, Gary stated if anyone had any questions they could email or call him.
Building Inspector Report- Daran Johnson is working on turning in the most current reports.
Planning Commission Report- Mayor discussed the lot splits that were done at the Planning meeting.
Covid-19 Discussion- Mayor discusses that we are keeping up with the recommendations from Governor
Asa Hutchinson in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Mayor Groom discussed about the possibility of having the June meeting at the Community Center in order to practice social distancing.
Justin motioned to adjourn meeting, Lee Guthrie 2 nd motion, Passes 8-0.
Adjourn at 6:22pm