March 2022 Council Minutes
March 14, 2022 Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Jim Renfrow, Diane Reed, Bill Yoes, Rebecca Lawson, and Jermaine Petty. Larry Forrester, Chal Ragsdale, Lisa Thornton -absent
Comments- none
Jim Renfrow motioned to approve February 2022 minutes, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 5-0
Jim Renfrow motioned to approve February 2022 treasurer report, Diane Reed 2nd motion. Passed 5-0
Court & Police Report-Chief Stout gave report. Chief Stout discussed the cost of a new officer that had been requested by council to be discussed for the March meeting. Council requested discussion about adding a new officer to April’s agenda.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report. Discussion regarding Lot line adjustment for property owner Brock Emmanuel 215 S Peirson Ave. Council requested that the lot line adjustment fee be waved for Brock Emmanuel.
Committee Report-none
Unfinished Business:
Update on Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project- Nick Batker with McClelland Consulting Engineering gave update. Status update in the packet. Nick Batker mentioned that Martha Washington with Arkansas Natural Resources Division (ANRD) mentioned that the City of Greenland can put in an
application to help with additional funding.
Ordinance 357-Competitive Bidding-revise Ordinance and table it until April’s meeting.
Ordinance 358- Adopting Future Land Use- Jim Renfrow made a motion for a 2nd reading by title only, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 5-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to accept the 2nd reading, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 5-0
Jim Renfrow-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Jermaine Petty-yes, Rebecca Lawson- yes
Ordinance 360- Outdoor Vendor Code- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to read Ordinance 360 by title only, Jermaine Petty 2nd motion. Passes 5-0
Diane Reed and Mayor request Ordinance 360 to be tabled until April’s meeting.
New Business:
Ordinance 359- Wastewater Rate Increase- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to read by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 5-0
Jim Renfrow motioned to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance 359, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passes 5-0
Jim Renfrow-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Jermaine Petty-yes, Rebecca Lawson- yes
Approval for Wastewater project land appraiser- Council approved.
Announcements-Spring clean up discussion
Citizen comments- none
Rebecca Lawson motioned to adjourn, Diane Reed 2nd motion. Passed 5-0
Adjourn at 7:36pm