March 2023 Council Minutes
March 13, 2023 Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance Mayor Jim Renfrow, Misty McCard, Rebecca Lawson, Jermaine Petty, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Travis Whisenhunt, Chalon Ragsdale, and Mark Herrmann. Lisa Thornton-absent
Comments- none
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve February 2023 minutes, Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve February 2023 treasurer report, Chal Ragsdale 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Court & Police Report-Chief Stout gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report.
Committee Report-
Unfinished Business:
Update on Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project- Trent Williams gave update on sewer project.
Code Enforcement- Mayor Renfrow discussed the job duties and salary for the Code enforcement position. Mayor Renfrow mentioned purchasing a vehicle for the code enforcement to drive around the city.
Diane Reed motioned to approve $21 for a code enforcer position, Chal Ragsdale 2nd motion.
Diane Reed and Chal Ragsdale withdrew motion. The council would like to see the pay scale for all employees including the code enforcement position. Mayor Renfrow plans to present a pay scale worksheet to council in April.
Webpage updates- Mayor Renfrow let council know that we have received 5 bids for IT updates and will send then out to council for them to review.
Central EMS MOU-ARPA Funding Request-Table it
Hotel/Motel/Restaurant (HMR) Tax-Mayor Renfrow mentioned this is a new revenue stream. Attorney David Hogue researched the HMR tax and it will have to go to a special election to be voted on.
New Business:
Jeff Frost with Frost Oil Company spoke on the intent to construct a $10,000 square foot travel center called Oakcrest Travel Center on Lille Lane and W Wilson St. There will be 24 fuel pumps. Oakcrest Travel Center plans to have Godfather’s Pizza and a deli. He mentioned that we need to cost share to update the sewer for the construction of this property. He mentioned the projection of $7500 a month in sales tax income.
Greenland Planning Area- Engineer Carole Jones spoke regarding the expansion of the Greenland’s planning area to the south. Council agrees the want to expand the Greenland Planning Area. The city plans to contact Northwest Planning to get the map of the current planning area and areas that are not occupied.
AR MO Railroad Permits for Wastewater Project- Engineer Carole Jones and Trent Williams discussed the force main for the sewer has to go under the railroad.
Speak to negotiate for the price of the AR MO Railroad permit.
Citizen comments-
Bill Yoes made a motion to adjourn, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Adjourn at 7:50pm