May 2022 Council Minutes
May 9, 2022 Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Jim Renfrow, Diane Reed, Bill Yoes, Rebecca Lawson, Chal Ragsdale, Jermaine Petty, and Lisa Thornton. Larry Forrester- absent
Comments- none
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve April 2022 minutes, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve April 2022 treasurer report, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Court & Police Report-Chief Stout gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report.
Committee Report-none
Unfinished Business:
Update on Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project- Trent Williams with McClelland Consulting Engineering gave update.
12 West Wilson Discussion- resolved
Ordinance 357-Competitive Bidding- Rebecca Lawson motion to place Ordinance 357 on 2nd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve 2nd reading, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Ordinance 359- Wastewater Rate Increase- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to place Ordinance 359 on the 3rd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve the 3rd reading, Jim Renfrow 2nd
All- yes
Ordinance 360- Outdoor Vendor Code- Rebecca Lawson motioned to place Ordinance 360 on the 2nd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve the reading of Ordinance 360, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion Passed 7-0
New Business:
Resolution 05-09-2022- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to read Resolution 05-09-2022 by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Lisa Thornton made a motion to approve Resolution 05-09-2022, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Ordinance 361- Planning Chair Wage Compensation- Rebecca Lawson made a motion to amend section 2 to make it retroactive for the whole calendar year 2022 and amend section 4 to 2023 and place on the 1st reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Rebecca Lawson made a motion to approve the amended Ordinance 361, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Citizen comments- none
Jim Renfrow made a motion to adjourn, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion. Passed 7-0
Adjourn at 7:12 pm