September 2023 Council Minutes
September 11, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Renfrow.
Those in attendance: Mayor Jim Renfrow, Rebecca Lawson, Jermaine Petty, Lisa Thornton, Travis Whisenhunt, Chalon Ragsdale, Mark Hermann
Absent-Bill Yoes, Diane Reed
Comments- Mayor Renfrow stated the first order of business would be to hear from Dr. Debbie England regarding proposed use of the Community Center.
Dr. England stated she would like for the Community Center to be used for a Crafts Fair. There is no organization involved and the purpose of the fair is for community members to be able to show and sell their goods. There was discussion and Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve the use of the Community Center for Special Event use not more than two times per year, one event in Spring, one event in fall. No fee to be charged. Motion was 2nd by Lisa Thornton. Passed 6-0.
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve August 2023 minutes, Lisa Thornton 2nd the motion. Passed 6-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve August 2023 treasurer’s report, Lisa Thornton 2nd the motion. Passed 6-0
Court & Police Report-Chief Stout gave report. Chief Stout mentioned Body Cameras are scheduled to go live September 20. Our new police officer, Jim Morse, will start October 2, 2023. Shop with a Cop informational letter was sent to all Greenland businesses last week.
Code Enforcement Report– Larry Norman gave report. Said things are going well.
Building Inspector Report– No report given, Inspector, Troy Enochs, on vacation.
Planning Commission Report– Brenda Reynolds gave report. Expects Planning Commission to be increasingly busy with growth of the Greenland Community.
Committee Report- No committee reports.
Unfinished Business:
- Update on Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project- Report given by Mayor Renfrow and Nick Batker from McClelland Engineers. Mayor has sent a letter to Governor Huckabee Sanders expressing his concern that the next meeting of the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) is September 20, 2023, a day after our lowest bid expires.
- Ordinance 368-Island Annexation
- Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 368 on the 1st reading by title only, Rebecca Lawson 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Lisa Thornton motioned to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance 368, Rebecca Lawson 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Lisa Thornton motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 368 on the 2nd reading, Rebecca Lawson 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Lisa Thornton motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 368 on the 3rd reading, Rebecca Lawson 2nd
- Lawson-yes, Petty-yes, Thornton-yes, Whisenhunt-yes, Ragsdale-yes, Herrmann-yes.
- Ordinance 369-Swinson Annexation.
- Item tabled
New Business:
- Ordinance 370-Impact Fees
- Rebecca Lawson motioned to place Ordinance 370 on the 1st reading by title only, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion. Passed 6-0.
- Rebecca Lawson motioned to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance 370, Lisa Thornton 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 370 on the 2nd reading, Jermaine Petty Lawson 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 370 on the 3rd reading, Lisa Thornton 2nd
- Lawson-yes, Petty-yes, Thornton-yes, Whisenhunt-yes, Ragsdale-yes, Herrmann-yes.
- Ordinance 371-Axis Electric Rezoning
- Lisa Thornton Lawson motioned to place Ordinance 371 on the 1st reading by title only, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passed 6-0.
- Lisa Thornton motioned to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance 371, Rebecca Lawson 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Lisa Thornton motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 371 on the 2nd reading, Rebecca Lawson 2nd Passed 6-0.
- Rebecca Lawson motioned to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 371 on the 3rd reading, Lisa Thornton 2nd
- Lawson-yes, Petty-yes, Thornton-yes, Whisenhunt-yes, Ragsdale-yes, Herrmann-yes.
- Resolution 09-11-2023-A, Fanning Land Purchase
- Lisa Thornton Lawson motioned to read Resolution 09-11-2023. Travis Whisenhunt 2nd motion. Passed 6-0.
- Community Center Rentals-See first order of business.
Announcements-Mayor Renfrow announced the primary collector for “Shop with a Cop” is the Greenland School District, with Greenland Police Department available to assist with the program.
Citizen comments-No citizen comments were made
Lisa Thornton made a motion to adjourn, Chal Ragsdale 2nd motion. Passed 6-0
Adjourn at 7:55 PM