April 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda
Monday, April 4, 2022 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Michelle Cate, Bill Yoes and Hunter Collins
1. Code Work- Conditional Use Chart
Chair to present.
• The word “retail” is not defined in the terms of the intended C-1 zone along the highway, but PC agrees it holds an understood meaning by public and “definition” is not necessary; “intent” description is acceptable.
• C-2 neighborhood commercial: “intent” description is acceptable.
• C-3 Thoroughfare commercial: “intent” description is acceptable. This zone has had the most inquiries in the past year.
• The “needs of the city” verbiage in our Code should be the primary concern when items are viewed by the PC involving any C zone.
• Commission reviewed the Use Chart and determined necessary updates/changes to items as permitted and/or conditional use. See attached proposed revision of Use Chart.
2. Public Comment.
Steve, Lilly and Diana, Baca – 678 N Cato Springs Road, 5 acres. Inquired about a possible development of a tiny home neighborhood for senior living. Between 6 and 10 small houses are proposed. They were reminded that the minimum dimensions for a home is 24′ on all sides of the home. They will given the
City Engineer’s email information for them to inquire as to sewer capacity. Once infrastructure and development items are addressed, they will need to ask for a rezoning to R-3 and a variance to having more than one residence on one lot. It was also suggested about rezoning to possible R3 PZD since this will be “project specific” with rules/regulations similar to a POA. A variance request for the size of the structure will also be necessary unless they meet the minimum dimensioning.
Motion to adjourn by Carnes. Cate second.
Meeting adjourned. 7:16 PM