May 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, May 2, 2022 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Michelle Cate, Bill Yoes, Ben Maddox and Hunter Collins
1. Public Comment
- Aaron Nickel is requesting a building permit. He purchased a lot on Foothills drive. He is requesting to build a home. He was advised to go to city hall and ask for a building permit. He was introduced to the building inspector.
- George Boykin, 229 W Campbell Road. He is to requesting information on a lot split in the planning area. He was advised to fill out a lot split application at city hall. He is also interested in annexing some of the property into the city limits. City Engineer provided her business card to him.
- Tony Wing, building permit for 29 Pollard, which included a garage as part of that application. Due to delays, he wants to make sure everything is ok with the permit that he received a year ago. The detached garage will not be the required 10’ from the primary structure, so he was advised it will have to be attached by means of breezeway so that it is considered part of the primary structure. Tony was advised that the garage should be attached to the primary structure by means of a breezeway between the two structures and
share the outer wall of the house. This absolves the applicant from maintaining 10’ between the principal structure and the garage outer wall. There is an old storage building that is going to be used to store items that will be moved into the new garage. The Commission agrees that the applicant can keep storing items in his old building, construct the new building, move the items to his new building, finish the outside of the new building, and
finally demolish the old storage building. Applicant does not need a demolition permit for taking the old building down.
2. Public Hearing – Orand, Weldon McCandless Lot Split, Butterfield Trail
Mr. Crouch with Blew and Associates representing. Applicant is requesting to split a single tract into two tracts, one being 2.053 acres and the other 1.003 acres. There is access to the sewer line but the property is large enough to construct a septic system. The emergency services have deemed existing access adequate from Short Street and a private Drive (from Butterfield Trail).
No public present for input.
3. Orand Lot Split, Butterfield Trail
No further discussion by Planning Commission; Collins motion to approve. Maddox second. 5-0 approved.
4. Residential Code and Structures – beginning discussions on prefabricated homes and tiny homes-
Due to weather, this discussion was limited in nature. Regarding the information provided by City Engineer regarding Accessory Use Dwellings, Planning Commission provided suggested modifications of 1) Number of habitable structures allowed on single parcel capped at two; (2) Minimum square footage 576 and no more than 1200 sq ft for accessory unit.
Prefabricated homes – Planning Commission recommends changing Use Chart to allow as “conditional use” in all zones except Industrial.
5. Update on Brock Emanuel property line discrepancy, 215 S Peerson Street – City Engineer is working with Mr. Emanuel’s surveyor to clear up the property line discrepancy between the Emanuel property and Taylor Park property. Information has been submitted to the state parks department for their permission to adjust the park property boundary since federal and state
grant funds have been used in the park. It appears that there is a gap between the southwest corner of the park property and the northwest corner of the Emanuel property. After approval from state parks is received, the city may be able to quit claim deed the area in question to the Emanuels. An existing single family residence is located less than 10 feet from the side property line. A variance may be required.
Collins motioned to adjourn. Carnes second. Meeting adjourned 6:55 PM.