June 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Meeting
June 6, 2022
Greenland Community Building; 170 N Letitia
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox, Michele Cate
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox, Michele Cate
- Public Hearing – Hanna Lot Split– Webb Way
- Dillon Bentley from Jorgensen– representative;
- In planning area; splitting 84.86 acres to create 76.28 acre and 8.40 acre lots; both tracts have access from Webb Way; applicant has dedicated additional ROW; all ROWs meet requirements
- leaving existing warehouse as is with existing access;
- Citizen Input:
- inquiry about intended use for second tract– Bentley advised it is unknown at present, but any development would come back through the PC with plans; Bentley also advised citizens who were present that Jorgensen will keep adjacent neighbors apprised of any proposed uses/developments.
General Session: 6:13
- Hanna Lot Split– Webb Way
No discussion. No public comment. Maddox motion to approved; second by Carnes. Approved 4–0. - Residential Code and Structures- discussion (Tabled)
- Hog Valley RV- Updated Restrictive Covenants for CUP
- Michele Cate presented proposed changes to initial Covenants that were the basis for the initial CUP;
- yellow highlighted areas are added wording; red-lined wording is to be removed;
- Maddox inquired about wording on page 2 and red-lined wording in “Recreational Vehicle…”;
- PC suggested “the construction of a permanent residential structure” be changed to “permanent residency’ and leave the red-lined wording change. (See attached)
- long-term (6 month lease) was discussed and PC agreed that if there are traveling nurses, contractors, etc who are temporarily staying somewhere, they should be able to stay there as long as their job was ongoing;
- Carnes motion to approve
- Second by Maddox
- Approved 4-0 (Cate abstained and Reynolds voted as a 4th vote)
- Public Comment
- Nathan Ogden: presented preliminary information regarding rezoning & variance applications submitted for next month’s meeting; Reynolds inquired about the 90′ access being suitable for future industrial uses if the current business left, Ogden advised 50′ is still very suitable.
- Jenny Dietzel presented information regarding a vision for development at the old storage unit/RV park on Hwy 71 across from the new park; it could be a place where the train stops like it does in Van Buren; involves museum, farmer’s market, shops. PC likes the suggestion, but advised this would be more of a “Council” matter and recommended that she present her idea to the Council at their upcoming meeting to get their input.
Meeting adjourned 6:47