July 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, July 5, 2022, 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Michele Cate
- Public Hearing – Greenland Acres, N.E. Campbell Road, Variance Request
- Nathan Ogden presented; requesting variance from 1) 300′ frontage requirement; and 2) minimum 5 acre requirement for I-I zone;
- Property only has 90′ of frontage, incapable of meeting the required 300′ per Code;
- Public Comment:
- Ms. Rogina Cooksey *(10209 NE Campbell) inquired about possibility of putting access to that parcel on the parcel to the north; The proposed access to this parcel will sit approximately 90′ mol north of Cooksey’s property. Chair explained that our Code requires each lot to have its own access; the proposed access is the most northern point available from her property.
- PC discussion: Chair advised there have been some preliminary discussions with City Engineer regarding the 5 acre size and 300′ frontage requirement because many uses do not require that large of an area and the road frontage requirement is somewhat excessive, however no formal discussion on final numbers has occurred yet to present as a proposed change. The 90′ frontage allows sufficient room for ingress/egress (Ogden advised only 50′ is needed for that purpose).
- See attached City Engineer Report for additional items reviewed with application process.
- Public Hearing-Greenland Acres, N.E. Campbell Road, Rezone Request
- 3-acre lot was the only one not rezoned 1-1 because it did not meet the 5-acre requirement; this leaves one C-2 parcel in the 1-1 zone- purpose of request is to ‘square up’ the 1-1 zone; (see attached written description submitted with application);
- Public Comment: Ms. Rogina Cooksey inquired and advised concern about the rezoning taking some of her land; Ogden, Cooksey and Chair reviewed map so she had understanding of the location and the request is north of the property she refers to;
- Cooksey expressed concern about traffic and noise; Chair explained that as a current “C-2” parcel, various businesses are already allowed with higher traffic flow (i.e., lumberyard, farm supply, convenience store, etc.), and some types of businesses could possibly have 24-hr operations and would definitely have high traffic and trucks coming in/out for deliveries. The light industrial zone “uses” have requirements in the Code governing noise, air pollution, etc.
- PC Discussion: much of the discussion was entwined with the discussion on variance request.
- Greenland Acres, N.E. Campbell Road, Variance Request
- No further public comment, no further PC discussion;
- Yoes motion to approve; Carnes 2nd; approved 4-0
- Greenland Acres, N.E. Campbell Road, Rezone Request
- No further public comment, no further PC discussion;
- Cate motion to approve; Carnes 2nd, approved 4-0
- Residential Code and Structures discussion- Tabled
Public Comment: Matt Kyle (Prestige Heating & Cooling) looking at putting in HVAC business in old Johnson & Sons building (298 S, Main). Mr. Kyle advised they had already begun some interior work, but could not get any answers on his questions at city hall and was told to come to the meeting. Discussion between Chair and Building Inspector about permitted uses, another business operating in 12 of the building without a license; building having two separate addresses (298 and 298 1⁄2); is the building set up to be “two” separate buildings?; PC wants to make sure Mr. Kyle doesn’t have issues with the way the property is constructed and already being used; Building Inspector will check into “two different addresses” and details as to when that occurred because nothing has come before the PC to do that. Once information is obtained by Building Inspector, communications can begin as to what can be done on that property and how to proceed based on the Building Inspector’s review. Chair gave Mr. Kyle her email address and this matter is pending the Building Inspector’s investigation into the matters above.
Motion to adjourn- Yoes; Carnes 2nd; Meeting adjourned 7:14pm