August 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, August 1, 2022 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM
Members Present:
Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Bill Yoes, Ben Maddox and Hunter Collins
1. M&S Concrete Business License
• Jason Smith to present. This is going to be a storage facility for rock and materials. Most of what the business manufactures is on site. The sale takes place on site or where the material is manufactured into a good. Sand will be sold in Greenland for tax base. I-1, Light Industrial zoning description and intent states: “This district is intended for clean, quiet industries…that can be demonstrated to benefit the tax base of the city.” The sales of the concrete will be dictated to point of sale. Greenland will not receive tax benefit
from sales of concrete from this business. Water trucks will be used to keep the dust out of the air and off the roads. The hours of operation are from 5 am to 3 pm. The intent is to build a permanent job office on the site if the business license is approved. The application has the start date for the business as August 6th. The applicant has been advised that the appeal for the zoning cannot be processed until a minimum of 30 days after Council approval. Council approved the rezone on July 11th. The start date must be revised. Mr. Smith advised the commission that they are being zoned out of Farmington. Their current site is located next to a residential zone and Farmington does not want to rezone the leased lot. The commission is concerned that there is no physical structure
on the site. There are operating hours starting as early as 3 am. There are no dust and sound barriers intended for the site. The applicant advised there would be approximately 15 to 30 large trucks per day. The city must take into consideration the deterioration of roads and the costs to make repairs of the affected roads without additional tax revenue to offset those costs. This business does not seem to meet the intent of the zoning. Dust, dirt, noise, and vibration are eliminating factors for the intended and allowed uses in I-1. The public had several comments and questions to ensure that sound, dust, dirt and road damage from the M&S Concrete would be considered in the business application.
Collins motion to deny. Second by Maddox. 4 in favor-1 abstain. Business license denied.
2. Zoning Lot Sizes, setbacks, frontage requirements – review of current Code Requirements
• I-1 lot size should be changed to a minimum of 1 acre.
• A Planned Zoning District should be added to the zoning code.
• Title 14; 6B “minimum setback shall be 100’” : Carole to change
• Title 14; 6B “minimum wide from 300’ to____?” Carole to change
• Title 14; 6D change the 5 acre requirement to 1 acre.
• Make changes to the road frontage requirement. Carole to change.
Carnes Motion to adjourn. Yoes Second. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.