September 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda
Monday, September 6, 2022 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Meeting called to order at 6:01 PM
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Michelle Cate, Ben Maddox and Hunter Collins
1. Public Comment
Caleb Johnson to present Johnson Mechanical. Commercial plumbing and HVAC company currently conducting business in Fayetteville. The applicant will be leasing one of the office/warehouse spaces in Mr. Ogden’s C-3 development. The sales from this business will be point of installation sales. The applicant states fixtures delivered to the showroom, located in the building, will be taxed by the City of Greenland sales tax. No further discussion.
Motion to approve Maddox, Carnes second. Approved 4-0.
Ms. Cooksey presented concerns regarding new M&S Concrete business that was approved at last month’s Council meeting. Business is not complying with the 7am-5pm hours given by the Council and have been starting around 4am. Dust and vibration are also major concerns. Chair directed Ms. Cooksey to attend Council meeting since Council will be the body to take any action on this.
- Public Hearing – Johnson, S.E. Campbell, Lot Split Request
- Scott Johnson to present. The applicant is wanting to split one lot to give to his daughter in which to build a house. This property is in the planning area; PC expressed some concern over private easement going to tandem lot, but Washington County Planning will have final say and can direct differently on access as WCPC sees fit.
- No public comment
- Public Hearing – Johnson, S.E. Campbell, Driveway Length Variance Request
- Applicant was given advice on lot line adjustment for extraneous land between tracts and access/utility easement.
- No public comment
- S.E. Campbell, Lot Split
- No public comment.
- Collins motioned to approve. Maddox Second. Approved 4-0
- S.E. Campbell, Driveway Length Variance
- No public comment.
- Charlotte motioned to approve. Cate Second. Approved 4-0
- Codework Revisions: Discussion for Input to City Engineer
- The size minimums for lots are as follows on the Title 14 online:
- R-3: 12,000
- R-2: 12,000
- R-1: 8,000; except corner lots 10,000
- RE: 1 acre
- PC wishes to keep the setbacks for all zones as currently stated in the Code Book. This would ensure that if a developer wants to decrease those setbacks, they will have to request it.
- “Accessory dwelling units shall be allowed on properties 1 acre or larger in RE, R-1, R-2, R-3, C-1, C-2, C-3 districts provided…”
- “No more than 2 people” needs to be changed to “No more than 3 people can dwell in an accessory structure.”
- PC is in agreement with suggested changes Chair emailed to city Engineer and those changes should also be made in addition to the ones recited in these minutes.
- The size minimums for lots are as follows on the Title 14 online:
Carnes motion to adjourn. Collins second. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.