April 2023 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, April 3, 2023
Greenland Community Building
170 N Letitia Ave
Meeting called to order 6:08 P.M.
Members Present: Michele Cate, Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox (remotely)
- Public Hearing – Fleming Electric, 965 W. Napier, Large Scale Development
Don Rhoads to present. The applicant is proposing a shop with an office for an electrical contracting business. The existing house will be used as a construction office during construction, then as an executive office. The design considerations have been proposed to match the house with the office. The existing and proposed utilities are along Napier Drive. The proposed landscaping plan will include parking lot trees with some shrubbery around the front of the existing house and proposed building. The driveway will be improved during development. There is potential for drainage improvements within the right of way. The plan is to detain as much water as possible so as not to flood properties to the west. Exterior lighting has been designed on the building. Engineering does not have any further requirements for design consideration. No public comment.
- Fleming Electric, 965 W. Napier, Large Scale Development
Regular session at 6:18 P.M. No input by planning or public. Collins motion to approve. Carnes second. Approved 5-0.
- Public Hearing – M&S Concrete, 10239 NE/SE Campbell Rd, Large Scale Development
Jason Ingalls with Expedient Civil Engineering to present. The intent of this development is not to increase production but to develop the permanent office structure that is required for commercial operations. M&S currently has 3 concrete mixing trucks and 5 dump trucks and trailers. The traffic letter reflected 9 mobile batch trucks and 5 trucks and trailers. The business creates concrete by loading material and mixing on the way to the project site. M&S is requesting a variance for the parking requirements due to the type of business which does not have customers who need to park onsite. 8 parking spaces, including the required ADA stalls are sufficient for staff parking. Proposed southern screening will be evergreen giant thuja trees. Two parking lot trees are proposed near the building and parking lot. Existing trees will be utilized to provide screening to the east between the business operations and the street. Trees will provide more efficient screening for dust and air pollution than fencing. On the busiest days, there are approximately 15 trucks per day of traffic. The three concrete mixing trucks leave only when there is an order to fill. The applicant states that, regarding dump trucks, only 3 loads a day could be obtained due to logistics.
Mrs. Cooksey, a resident to the south, made comments regarding fencing requirements. They were answered by the inclusion of natural screening with giant evergreen trees along the south property line.
Mitch Church lives south of M&S Concrete. He asked, “What methods does M&S Concrete have for keeping gravel, sand and other materials from falling on to the road?”
Jason Smith (owner) stated, “It is going to be a daily housekeeping operation. We will take care of it on a daily basis. We were just informed of the complaint of gravel on the road today.” PC asked if this will be done daily to ensure no road hazards to motorcyclists or bicyclists. Mr. Ingalls assured; yes, it will be done.
Mr. Smith requested that the road vegetation in the right of way be mowed as there are concerns about the safety of visibility on the curve. PC recommends the city takes care of the visibility in the area by mowing or asking the county to take care of the vegetation if it is not a city responsibility.
“Trucks Entering” signs were discussed and are requested on the roadway. The city needs to arrange for signage on the north and south end of the curve for adequate traffic notice. One sign will be in the county (planning area), so the city will need to determine if the county is responsible for that particular sign.
The applicant needs to contact Washington County 911 for address verification due to discrepancies.
No further public comments. Public hearing closed at 6:55 P.M.
- M&S Concrete, 10239 NE/SE Campbell Rd, Large Scale Development
Regular session at 6:55 P.M. Yoes motioned. Carnes second. Approved 5-0.
- Public Hearing – M&S Concrete, 10239 NE/SE Campbell Rd, Variance Request
The requirements for parking of the 7,685 square foot building of this size is 27 parking spots. The city code requires 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square foot. This building is primarily going to be a shop and, per comments above, there is no need for that many parking spots. The applicant proposes 6 standard parking stalls and two required ADA parking stalls which the PC required for accessibility. No public comments
- M&S Concrete, 10239 NE/SE Campbell Rd, Variance Request
No planning commission further comments. Yoes motioned. Cate second. Approved 5-0.
- Public Comments
- No further public comments.
Reynolds motion to adjourn. Canes second. Meeting adjourned at 7:01 P.M.