May 2023 Planning Minutes
Meeting called to order 6:01 P.M.
Members Present: Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox
- Planning Area Map Drafting and Discussion
This open forum is the second part of a two-part discussion, following up from last month’s special meeting. The intent is to explain and propose the extension of the planning area around the city limits of Greenland, one mile outwards where practical. PC gave hypotheticals to ensure the public understood the intent and necessity of extending the planning area. This discussion’s intent is to ensure that the proposed and voted upon planning area is properly recorded.
Mitch Church – Citizen asked when the annexation will be discussed. PC explained an annexation vote will occur at a later date. No property will be annexed without the property owner’s approval.
Colby Johnson – Citizen announced concerns regarding the degradation of the roads along W Napier and North Campbell Road. She also voiced concerns regarding the noise levels, air pollution and traffic pattern interruptions from her neighbor, M&S Concrete. Mrs. Johnson was advised to take her comments to the city council meeting on May 8, 2023.
- Noise Code Drafting and Discussion
PC and public edited the draft to be submitted to the city council for codification.
Vote to approve Chapter VII Noise. Maddox motioned. Carnes Second. Approved 4-0.
Maddox motion to adjourn. Carnes second. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 P.M.