June 2023 Planning Minutes
Greenland Planning Commission Meeting Monday, June 5, 2023
Greenland Community Building 170 North Letitia
6:02 PM – Meeting Called to Order
MembersPresent: MicheleCate, CharlotteCarnes, BenMaddox, HunterCollins, Bill Yoes and Brenda Reynolds.
- Public Hearing: Hanna, Webb Way, Large Scale Development
- Dillon Bentley with Jorgensen and Associates to present. This LSD is located on Webb Way and is within the planning area. Five 10,000 square foot buildings are being proposed. The development is under the minimum number of required parking spaces. A variance request for the lower number of parking spaces will be submitted. The LSD is phased. The first phase will envelope the first five buildings and the required detention. The intent of the project is for storage for trades such as plumbing, electrical, drywall depending on the type of contractor renting the space. Mrs. Cooksey asked if the City of Greenland would see any tax benefit from this development. PC informed Mrs. Cooksey that this development is in the county and not in the city Therefore, the improved property should produce increased property tax, and should benefit the Greenland school district. Washington County will have ultimate jurisdiction over the county property. A traffic statement was issued to the county to address any improvements that may need to be made on Webb Way, near the intersection with SW Campbell Road.
- Public Hearing closed at 6:19 PM
- Hanna, Webb Way, Large Scale Development
General Session opened at 6:19 PM. Mr. Yoes had further questions regarding the location of the LSD. No further comments. Collins motion to conditional approval upon completion of City Engineering comments in attached email. Maddox second. Conditionally approved 5-0.
- Public Hearing: City of Greenland, Main Ave, Lot Split Request
- Tract A and B were originally one parcel that was split by US Highway The request is to make this one tract into two, one on either side of the highway.
- No public Closed public session at 6:27 PM.
- City of Greenland, S Main Ave, Lot Split Request
- Yoes motion to Maddox second. Approved 5-0.
- Noise Code Drafting and Discussion
- Review of Chief Stout’s comments. The replacement of “jake brake” to “compression release engine brake” and the addition of “exhaust brake” to the definitions has been made and those two terms have been substituted everywhere “jake brake” originally applied. Other changes are made and discussed through email kept in records.
- No additional This vote is to pass the code to the city council for codification. Motion by Maddox. Second by Cate. Approved 5-0 to pass to council.
- Public Comment
No further public comments.
Yoes motion to adjourn. Cate second. Meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM.