July 2023 Planning Minutes
Monday, July 3, 2023
Meeting called to order 6:00 PM
Members Present: Michele Cate, Charlotte Carnes, Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Brenda Reynolds
- Public Hearing: Greenland Business Park, 10175 Webb Way, Variance Request
Dillon Bentley with Jorgensen and Associates to represent. The applicant is seeking 75 instead of 175 city required parking spaces for the 5 buildings. The buildings’ primary uses are for trade services.
No public comment.
Closed public hearing at 6:04 PM.
- Greenland Business Park, 10175 Webb Way, Variance Request
No planning commission comments.
Yoes motioned to approve. Carnes Second. Approved 4-0.
- Public Hearing: Best Choice Holdings, Napier & NE Campbell, Lot Split Request
Rick Hawes to represent. The applicant purchased 2 tracts, totaling 163.33 acres on Napier and NE Campbell, and is requesting to split the parcels into three separate parcels, which also adjusts one parcel line. All proposed tracts will have street frontage.
The public asked if the properties have been split in the past. The Planning Chair explained that the rule is no longer in effect, as long as the parcels are not being split into 4 or more tracts, which would involve a subdivision request.
Closed public hearing at 6:17 PM.
- Best Choice Holdings, Napier & NE Campbell, Lot Split Request
No planning commission comments.
Collins motioned to approve. Yoes second. Approved 4-0.
- Public Hearing: Tomlinson, 209 W Carrol, Variance Request
Rick Tomlinson to represent. The applicant would like to build a shop building to keep his tools and equipment. A road separates his property. The area where he wants to build his shop is across the street from his house, cut off by the street. This tract is located in a floodplain, therefore the construction of a house on the tract is not feasible. This is an exception to code due to topography.
No further public comment.
Closed public hearing at 6:22 PM.
- Tomlinson, 209 W Carrol, Variance Request
No planning commission comments.
Carnes motioned to approve. Cate second. Approved 4-0.
Public Comment:
No public input.
Collins motioned to adjourn. Yoes Second. Meeting Adjourned 6:28 PM