February 2020 Planning Minutes
City of Greenland
Planning Commission Minutes
February 3, 2020
Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Paula Schoonover, Charlotte Carnes, Hunter Collins, Michael Rutherford
Chair called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m
1. Public Hearing: Lot Split NW Campbell Road; Mr. Tim West for presentation
Proposed split of 9.72 acres into two tracts; Both tracts have road frontage;
No existing structure; both tracts are vacant
Packets have been accepted, all processes and procedures are complete Public
William Myers (203 NW Campbell Road) would like more information on the lot split. He owns property
adjacent to the proposed lots. Discussion ensured. All was agreeable.
Closed Public hearing at 6:07 Regular Session convened
2. NW Campbell Road lot split: No further discussion/comment.Commissioner Schoonover motion to approve,
Commissioner Yoes second. Passed 5-0
3. Business License – 207 N. Main (Mini Storage)
Bruce Bradshaw for presentation. Leasing two small apartment buildings and the house. They will continue
the leasing of the mini storage. The business will own the mini storage as well as the residences. Commissioner Schoonover advised of incorporating the landscaping code to ensure addressing the code.
Business owner will move main sign more towards the small residences. Commissioner Reynolds advised since the signage is not changing, it can be moved without application, but landscape code must be followed
for pole signs. All information regarding signage and landscape code is available at city hall and Mr. Bradshaw will obtain. Adding to the mini storage will be discussed in the future. Commissioner Schoonover
asked about the disposal of items left at the storage. He explained the waste will be placed in applicable trash
No public comment. No further discussion.
Administrative Matter:
• Missing PC sign-off page on mini storage application packet; made a copy from the other application packet so application could be signed off.
• Needs to pay the city $25 application fee; Chair inquired if application fee had been paid because box was not filled out. Mr. Bradshaw: “She would not accept the $25 application fee. He came over to renew the license. He said they told him, ‘No we cannot do that.’ He was instructed to come to the meeting to
have it discussed.”
Commissioner Yoes motion to approve. Commissioner Schoonover second. 5-0 passed.
Commissioner Reynolds noted application as “approved, pending receipt of the application fee.”
4. Business License – 201 N. Main (Café)
Bruce Bradshaw for presentation. DD Green Enterprises is the property owner. The business will be opened once cleaning has been completed. Will serve breakfast and lunch. He was trained by Starbucks. He wants to use
his experience over the years to be implemented at this establishment. The property will be used as on-premise service. Asking if a drive-thru is allowed. A window is already present but a larger one is needed. Commissioner
Reynolds asked about parking. It will be in the back and on the South side of the building. He explains there shouldn’t be much parking on the north side of the property. There should be plenty of room for ingress and
egress. Trash-Away is the company to be used for hauling away trash. Inquiry was made by Commissioner Schoonover as to asphalt meeting code compliance. He does not want to completely resurface the lot. There will
be a catering service as well as the permanent structure. Commissioner Schoonover asked if there needs to be a different business license for the catering service. The Health Department will take over the inspection of the
catering service.
From Kara’s Café (old business in location), it was required that screening be established between business & residences. Commissioner Reynolds explained that with the business owning all of the north properties, the only
screening issue would be on the south side, however, the parking does not face the south residence and may not be an issue, but this needs to be addressed. Applicant will talk to south neighbors. There will be no patio. There will be no alcohol served. The establishment is too close to the school. Lighting was discussed. Most of the business will be conducted during the day so it is not necessary to spend extra money on decorative lighting.
Justin Reed addressed the landscaping deadline and fencing deadline. Believes the parking is better than at the gas station so doesn’t need to be a priority. The city needs to be a little more lenient to get businesses around
here. Commissioner Schoonover explains there are partnerships around here that are always looking for community work. Reed believes for businesses it is more important for the business to be successful than to
bombard them with landscaping code. Commissioner Reynolds explained that the landscaping code provides for inexpensive alternatives so it is not a burden on the property owner, and simple, inexpensive adjustments can be
made to increase curb appeal. PC determined several months ago that existing businesses are to be updated when ownership/use changes occur. Minimal landscaping is requested.
Commissioner Yoes motion. Commissioner Schoonover second. Voted 5-0 approved.
Follow up notes:
Continued residential use in commercial zones. Commissioner Reynolds provided update that this was addressed at the last council meeting, but no action was taken at that meeting and it has not been settled. It will
be mentioned in PC report again at the next meeting.
Lot Split Code Work: Mr. Hill called Chair this week and asked for an update. Mr. Hill is also present at tonight’s meeting. The City Attorney still has the documents. We need this ASAP.
Citizen’s Comments:
Monroe Hill: Did a lot split a little over one year ago. Gave it to their daughter. Would like to do another lot split. They have several people living in one house. Want to have closing on one house. They can then split the lot again for the rest of the family. Currently, it has been a year and two months waiting on the code to be re-written. Code currently provides a 5-year waiting period between lot splits. We are waiting on the amendment of the current lot split code. Commissioner Reynolds said they need to ask the City Attorney about when the
amendment can be received. As the planning commission, our hands are tied until the code is amended. We understand the need for the split but it goes against the current code. All we can do is keep pushing the City
Attorney. PC suggested Mr. Hill should go to the Council Meeting to address the matter with City Attorney and Council personally during citizen’s comments.
Commissioner Yoes motion to adjourn, Commissioner Schoonover second. Motion passed.