January 2023 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Greenland City Hall
8 E Ross Street
Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox
Reynolds motioned to amend the agenda for officer appointments. Approved 4-0.
1. Officer Appointments.
Carnes nominates Reynolds chairman. Second Maddox. Approved 4-0.
Carnes nominates Maddox for vice chairman. Second Collins. Approved 4-0.
Carnes nominates Collins for Secretary. Second Maddox. Approved 4-0.
2. Public Hearing – N. Hart, 723 W. Wilson, Lot Split Request
Nikki Littell (with Blew & Associates) to present. This lot is to be split for the use of the current owners of the lot. No public comment.
3. N. Hart, 723 W. Wilson, Lot Split Request – General Session opened at 6:04 PM
No further discussion. Collins motion to approve. Carnes second. Approved 4-0.
4. Business License Application: Northwest Arkansas Kenpo Academy, LLC
Thomas Hodges to present. He is proposing a business that teaches martial arts to adults, teens and children in a C-3 zone.
No further discussion. Maddox motion to approve. Yoes second. Approved 4-0.
5. Code Work – Zoning Descriptions Discussion
A workshop to amend the code for Titles 14 and 15 will be established. A date will be proposed to have input from the council members and the planning members.
6. Public Comment
Beth Andreasen lives on Tanner Dr. She is wanting to build a small house on the lot behind her house. The second lot is only 78’ x 155’. The code reads that the lot must have 80’ of road frontage. The commission is in agreement that, due to the lot already having been platted that no variance should be required. The applicant was reminded that the house must have a separate driveway. The applicant was informed that all standard building permits are required before construction.
Yoes motion to adjourn. Collins second. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 P.M.