June 2017 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting Monday June 5, 2017 6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda.
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie, Paula Schoonover; meeting started 6:00 p.m. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
- Pam Jones presentation
Pam Jones, Thomas Hennelly, Donnie Frizzell
305 acre Reynolds farm on Campbell Road in process of contract purchase. Partly in our planning boundary. Looking for feedback tonight. The idea is: 1) the possibility (benefit) of adjusting planning boundary to take in entire 305 acres (only in part of it); 2) Looking for rezoning that would allow live music venue like the Amp in Rogers. Multi-use facility with RV park, general store, hotel.
This parcel seems to fit every bill they are looking for access to I-49, UofA, regionally.
Donnie Frizzell (been promoting in Arkansas for over 30 years). Looking to bring prosperity, growth, faith into a business format on Reynolds Farm. Multi-purpose complex for highest and best regard. Here to make it a destination attraction. Artists focused on will be Paul McCarthy, Tim McGraw, etc. Ten – 14 shows a year. Feel is it time for NW Arkansas to step up and complete with Tulsa. Part of vision, we want to keep the Reynolds Farm name intact. Big names usually do 10-15 shows a year. House stars on property.
Pam Jones: want to work with the community with veterans/VA/schools to help with jobs/scholarships. Bless Greenland and NWA. Being outside, the reason they selected this property, is the beauty of the property. Want to maintain the land. Going in for more property than they need so that they can really make it a premiere venue.
Egress: tracking down people who own property that would allow egress to Highway 265. Looking at medical evacuation. Looking for opening in 2019.
RV park there all year around. Looking at with county is requesting a rezoning from RE to C3 thoroughfare zone. Because it is in our planning area, we have to give a preliminary response to this idea.
Would hotel and general store be up along I-49? Yes. Mr. Reynolds born on that property, and they want to redo block home he lived in. Keep the general look and feel of old Greenland in this store. The hotel would be somewhere it can see from I-49.
Per our code, depending on how they approach with WACO, a recreational facility is a permitted in C-3. Amphitheater is a conditional use. Within our growth area we would still have the right to put conditions on the development.
Run like the AMP and close about midnight. Also wanting to promote a festival, run until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m., once a year. As we grow, we have so many people looking for these types of venues to get away from the big cities. Other cities want this venue badly. This site was selected for beauty and pristine area. Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, and mayor and council of Fayetteville all like this idea.
No direct tax revenue from the multi-facility for Greenland, but to WACO. So city council might want to annex the property to Greenland. If it is annexed Greenland makes the decisions about this project; if not, then WACO makes those decisions.
- Liquor Sales: proposed items for continued consideration
Item tabled till next meeting.
- Zoning – continued discussion
The area we looked at on the zoning, was not the area we thought we were looking at. The area #7 actually ends up around Woodcreek. Commissioner Guthrie to coordinate with administration and get maps distributed to other commissioners for next month’s meeting to discuss discrepancies.
Zoning needs to address industrial zone being wrong, and the other areas we put on previous minutes.
Commissioner Yoes makes a motion to read the minutes; Commissioner Carnes seconded. Passed 5-0.
Commissioner Schoonover make motion to approve minutes; Commissioner Yoes second. Passed 5-0.
Commissioner Carnes moved to adjourn; Commissioner Guthrie second. Passed 5-0.
Adjourned: 7:20 p.m.