November 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, November 7, 2022
Greenland City Hall
8 E Ross Street
Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Charlotte Carnes, Brenda Reynolds, Michele. Cate
1. Public Comment
Don Rhoads – Fleming Electric Tract 2 (I-1 from Greenland Acres, LLC)
Located at Lillie Ln and W Napier Dr. Applicant is wanting to develop this tract east of Loomis for his electric company. This is preliminary information before the submission of a large scale development. 15,000 sqft pre-fabricated metal building. Around 15 people will work in the office and 75 employees total. Around $25M of product will move through the property. The current house on the property will be refurbished to be used as executive offices. Applicant was
advised that he may need a variance for the required number of parking stalls. He will need a demolition permit for tearing down the barn. The point of sale for the equipment will be in the City of Greenland. The planning commission had no other questions or concerns.
2. Public Hearing Greenland Public School District, 210 N Sandy Ave, Lot Split Request
No public comment.
3. Greenland Public School District, 210 N Sandy Ave, Lot Split Request
Yoes motion to approve. Collins second. Passed 4-0.
4. Public Hearing – Jim Wilson, 5800 and 5842 S. Shaeffer Dr, Lot Line Adjustment Request
Tim West with Atlas Surveying to present. There are three parcels in a trust that are being adjusted to correct encroachments and add some acres from one parcel, taking away from another. These parcels are in the planning area. No public comments.
5. Jim Wilson, 5800 and 5842 S. Shaeffer Dr, Lot Line Adjustment Request
Yoes motion to approve. Carnes second. Passed 4-0.
6. Public Hearing – John Wilson, 492 N Main Ave, Lot Line Adjustment Request
No public comments.
7. John Wilson, 492 N Main Ave, Lot Line Adjustment Request
Yoes motioned to approve. Cate second. Passed 4-0.
8. Zoning Use Chart – discussion regarding removal
The proposal is to completely remove the zoning use chart. This would alleviate the confusion with the uses by right and the conditional uses of each zone. There will be descriptions of each zone that will meet the intent of each zoning. The descriptions are as follows:
Permitted uses in each of the City’s Zoning Code are as follows:
C-1: Highway 71 Business District: Small to mid-size retail, goods and services which benefit the tax base of the City and are intended for residential areas in the vicinity and can be operated in harmony with adjacent residential uses in an aesthetically pleasing manner consistent with Highway 71’s scenic designation.
C-2: Neighborhood Commercial: Small to mid-size retail, goods and services which benefit the tax base of the City and are intended for residential areas in the vicinity and can be operated in harmony with adjacent residential uses.
C-3: Thoroughfare Commercial: Small, mid-size, or large-scale retail trade, goods and services which benefit the tax base of the City and are intended for residential areas in the vicinity, as well as tourism and visitors to the City.
I-1: Light Industrial: Clean, quiet industries providing sales, goods, and services which benefit the tax base of the City and that can be operated compatibly with commercial, residential, and agricultural uses.
Conditional Uses: Any proposed use which does not meet the intent or zoning descriptions above shall follow the Conditional Use Permit application process as provided for the Greenland Municipal Code.
Motioned to remove use chart by Yoes. Carnes Second. Passed 4-0
Yoes motion to adjourn. Collins second. Meeting adjourned 4-0. 7:11 PM.