September 2023 Planning Minutes
Planning Meeting
Monday, September 5, 2023; 6:00 PM
Members Present: Michele Cate, Charlotte Carnes, Bill Yoes, Brenda Reynolds, Hunter Collins. Ben Maddox via Phone
Meeting called to order at 6:02 P.M.
- Public Hearing: Axis Electric, 10260 N. Campbell Road, Rezoning Request
Jared Ingman to present. This 4-acre property did not fit the 5-acre requirement to be zoned I-1 with the surrounding properties. It is the only remaining property zoned commercial in the industrial area. No planning comments. No public comment.
- Public Hearing: Axis Electric, 10260 N. Campbell Road, Variance Request
Jared Ingman to present. The applicant is requesting variance from the 300-foot road frontage requirement. The width of the parcel is 263 feet. No planning comments. No public comment.
- Public Hearing: Axis Electric, 10260 N. Campbell Road, Large Scale Development
Jared Ingman to present. Roughly 10,000 square foot office warehouse space. The LSD is going to have to adhere to Washington Water Authority’s 100’ separation requirement from the septic field. The addition of impermeable area causes negligible impact to the overall drainage pattens in that area. A temporary offsite grading permit will be requested from the property owner to the East for filling in a portion of the manmade pond. No public comment.
Closed Public comment: 6:17 PM
- Axis Electric, 10260 N. Campbell Road, Rezoning Request
Carnes Motion to approve. Maddox Second. Approved 5-0.
- Axis Electric, 10260 N. Campbell Road, Variance Request
Carnes Motion to approve. Cate second. Approved 5-0.
- Axis Electric, 10260 N. Campbell Road, Large Scale Development
Collins motion to approve. Carnes second. Approved 5-0.
- Public Hearing: Edgmon, 288 W. Wiles Road, Variance Request
Nathan with Blew & Associates presented. The request is to allow for a 515’ driveway in lieu of 100’ maximum due to the topography and existing road ends and a private drive commences. This road will have an access easement along the longer driveway. No planning comments. No public comments.
- Public Hearing: Edgmon, 288 W. Wiles Road, Variance Request
The purpose of this lot split is to clean up the property lines, allow the development of one property with a new home and the removal of the two houses on the existing parcel. It was noted that there is an accessory structure south of the lot split parcels, which did not have a primary structure. Therefore, an inquiry was made as to whether the applicant wanted to adjust the second parcel. Discussion occurred and was decided that the existing shop, which is habitable, needs a 911 address to comply with code.
Closed Public comment: 6:32 P.M.
- Edgmon, 288 W. Wiles Road, Variance Request
Yoes motioned to approve. Cate second. Approved 5-0.
- Edgmon, 288 W. Wiles Road, Lot Split Request
Collins motioned to approve. Carnes Second. Approved 5-0.
Public Comment:
Kyle Sergeant – Proposed project on North Parker: The intent is to take one parcel and remove the existing utilities and buildings. He wants to place a building that would have division walls made for lease space. It would fit a large-scale development. Mr. Sergeant was given guidance on the types of businesses that would be allowed in those office locations that would fit the intent of the C-1 zoning.
Jason Ingles – North side of West Napier property behind King Electric. The intent is to build a 38-acre storage facility for RV’s, boats, and climate-controlled storage units. The PC advised Mr. Ingles that due to the future land use in that area as C-2, rezoning to I-1 would not fit the public’s intended use for that property. The business would be better suited at the property to the south in the existing industrial-zoned area or in the county where industrial has been proposed.
492 N Main – Gavin representative for Auto House. The intent was to move the current business to a new lot. The applicant must submit a condition use permit for the new property. It will be addressed at the next planning meeting.
Public Hearing: Annexation at 7:00 P.M.
This annexation is to remove the islands of property that are currently not considered a Greenland address. This means that these properties must call Washington County to use emergency services instead of calling Greenland emergency services. These properties are surrounded by the city of Greenland. All current businesses on these properties will be allowed to continue after annexation takes place. No public comments.
Yoes motioned to dismiss. Carnes second. Approved 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 P.M.