The View From the Mayor’s Desk
The View From the Mayor’s Desk…
Happy New Year! 2017 was good year for our city and 2018 promises to be another. One of my resolutions is to be timelier in letting citizens know what is going on including plans for the future (both near and far). My plans are to try to update our citizens every 2-3 months.
The city’s financial picture continues to be healthy. The city has secured many grants over the year that has helped tremendously in this respect. We will continue to search for grants to be able to do more for our city. Plans for 2018 include a plan to install lights in Taylor Park both along the trail and in the pavilion. We are also discussing a possible program called “Summer Movies in the Park.” Preliminary work on phase 1 of our sewer system upgrade have begun thanks to the Greenland voters. Most of the money comes from nonresidents passing through Greenland on I49 and spending money. Our recycling program continues to grow thanks to your help in sorting the materials. Thank you!
We were recently notified by the Secretary of State that our annexation of 405 acres west of I49 have been completed and approved. We are excited to see what can happen in that area of the city. We are also making improvements to the community center including a much-needed facelift to the bathrooms.
Last, but certainly not least, we are currently lining up partners to help us finance a very exciting project that “should” start this spring or summer. We will probably know more in 6-8 weeks. We will let you know when we do!!
2018 looks to be a very busy and exciting year for Greenland. As always, my door is always open. Happy New Year!
Mayor Bill Groom